Check out this week’s newsletter February 24th 2023
- Early finish – Teachers Paid Union Meeting
- Parent Teachers Interview
- Wet Weather Protocol
- Updating Contact Details
- Head Lice
- Upcoming Events
- Community Notices
Check out this week’s newsletter February 24th 2023
Check out this week’s newsletter February 17th 2023
Leabank School will be OPEN for students to return tomorrow, Wednesday 15th February.
We are excited to have your children back with us and our school is safe and ready. Gates will open at 8:00am so please do not let your children come too early.
Mr Maddren
School is Closed Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th February
Based on the current advice from Auckland Emergency Management, the Met Service and our local Ministry of Education office, we have decided to close Leabank Primary School on Monday and Tuesday this week.
Please look for further updates on Tuesday.
We have made this decision with the safety of students and staff members as our priority. Distance learning will not be possible at this time. At this stage, we intend to reopen on Wednesday 15th February.
We regret the inconvenience this may cause you and hope that you all stay safe through the coming storm event.
Nga mihi nui
Rex Maddren
Check out this week’s Newsletter February 10th 2023
1st February 2023
Kia ora Leabank School Whanau,
On Monday this week, the Secretary for Education took the decision to direct schools and other education providers in Auckland to close for on-site instruction (learning) because of the weather emergency and the need to reduce traffic on roads.
This initial direction was until the 7th of February, the last day schools must start their term under education regulations.
The Secretary for Education, Iona Holsted, undertook to review the direction to close on a daily basis, to minimise disruption to schools that can open.
After review today, the Secretary has lifted the Direction to close.
As a result of this decision, The Board has decided that the school will open tomorrow Thursday 2nd February
Please contact the School Office if you have any questions or if there is anything you need us to know about before school starts.
Board Chair
Leabank Primary School
Check out our last newsletter for 2022 December 14th Newsletter 2022
Check out this week’s newsletter December 2nd Newsletter 2022